We currently have only 5 hotel(s) listed in Santiniketan. While we work on adding more hotels, the current list gives our guests a choice of over 78 rooms with price range starting from Rs.566 and goes all the way up to Rs.6602.
Ranga Mati Tourist Lodge
 | Ranga Mati Tourist Lodge Tourist Lodge Road,Bhuban, Bolpur P. O.Birbhum Dist. Santiniketan - 731204 West Bengal
Prices starting from INR 1394 Total Rooms: 22 |
/santiniketan-hotel-15210 • Browse DetailsHotel Royal Bengal
 | Hotel Royal Bengal Bhubandanga, Shantiniketan, Bolpur, Birbhum, West Bengal, India Santiniketan - 731204 West Bengal
Prices starting from INR 825 Total Rooms: 27 | {Images not verified; for representative purpose only} |
/santiniketan-hotel-15212 • Browse DetailsBanashori Guest House
 | Banashori Guest House Bholpur, Shantiniketan, Ratanpalli Santiniketan - 731204 West Bengal
Prices starting from INR 566 Total Rooms: 7 |
/santiniketan-hotel-15208 • Browse DetailsChhuti Holiday Resort
 | Chhuti Holiday Resort 241, Charu Palli - Jamboni, Bolpur Santiniketan - 731204 West Bengal
Prices starting from INR 1540 Total Rooms: 22 | {Images not verified; for representative purpose only} |
/santiniketan-hotel-15198 • Browse DetailsMark Meadows
 | Mark Meadows Sriniketan Road, P.O.-Sriniketan, Dist. Birbhum. Santiniketan - 731236 West Bengal
Prices starting from INR 2602 | {Images not verified; for representative purpose only} |
/santiniketan-hotel-12700 • Browse Details
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