We currently have only 7 hotel(s) listed in Salem. While we work on adding more hotels, the current list gives our guests a choice of over 70 rooms with price range starting from Rs.247 and goes all the way up to Rs.8444.
Hotel Salem Castle
 | Hotel Salem Castle A/4 Bharathi Street,Swaranapuri Salem - 636004 Tamilnadu
Prices starting from INR 2368 |
/salem-hotel-10163 • Browse DetailsHotel Ashok
 | Hotel Ashok Opp New Bustand, Avai the Ashram Road, Salem - 636004 Tamilnadu
Prices starting from INR 247 Total Rooms: 35 |
/salem-hotel-12280 • Browse DetailsWindsor Castle
 | Windsor Castle 14 rajaji road Salem - 636007 Tamilnadu
Prices starting from INR 1652 | {Images not verified; for representative purpose only} |
/salem-hotel-10265 • Browse DetailsHotel New Tamilnadu
 | Hotel New Tamilnadu 94, Ramakrishna road Salem - 636 007 Tamil Nadu
Prices starting from INR 803 Total Rooms: 17 | {Images not verified; for representative purpose only} |
/salem-hotel-15892 • Browse DetailsHotel LRN Excellency
 | Hotel LRN Excellency No.7, Saradha College Road Salem - 636007 Tamilnadu
Prices starting from INR 1209 |
/salem-hotel-10860 • Browse DetailsLaila Gold Palace
 | Laila Gold Palace Old No 321-A New No 3, LIC Colony Road, Salem - 636004 Tamil Nadu
Prices starting from INR 664 | {Images not verified; for representative purpose only} |
/salem-hotel-17448 • Browse DetailsHotel Cenneys Gateway
 | Hotel Cenneys Gateway 97/4, Saradha College Main Road,
Five Roads, Salem - 636004 Tamilnadu
Prices starting from INR 2412 | {Images not verified; for representative purpose only} |
/salem-hotel-10799 • Browse Details
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