We currently have only 4 hotel(s) listed in Kabini. While we work on adding more hotels, the current list gives our guests a choice of over 40 rooms with price range starting from Rs.5282 and goes all the way up to Rs.28019.
The Serai Resorts Kabini
 | The Serai Resorts Kabini Survey No-60/1,Nisane,Karapur Village,Antarasante Hopli,H.P.KoteTaluke,Next To Jungle Lodge Kabini - 571114 Karnataka
Prices starting from INR 7482 | {Images not verified; for representative purpose only} |
/kabini-hotel-12563 • Browse DetailsWater Woods Resort
 | Water Woods Resort 19, Karapur, N.Belthur P.O., H.D. Kote Taluk, Mysore District Kabini - 571114 Karnataka
Prices starting from INR 6198 | {Images not verified; for representative purpose only} |
/kabini-hotel-10600 • Browse DetailsKabini Lake View Resort
 | Kabini Lake View Resort No.14/98, Manchegowdanahalli, Antharasanthe Hobli, H D Kote Taluk, Kabini - 571114 Karnataka
Prices starting from INR 5282 Total Rooms: 8 | {Images not verified; for representative purpose only} |
/kabini-hotel-15350 • Browse DetailsOrange County Resort
 | Orange County Resort Bheeramballi Village and Post,H.D. Kote Taluk, Mysore Dist Kabini - 571116 Karnataka
Prices starting from INR 22076 Total Rooms: 30 | {Images not verified; for representative purpose only} |
/kabini-hotel-13789 • Browse Details
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