We currently have only 3 hotel(s) listed in Diveagar. While we work on adding more hotels, the current list gives our guests a choice of over 35 rooms with price range starting from Rs.1496 and goes all the way up to Rs.8385.
Mauli Resort
 | Mauli Resort At. Post. Diveagar, Tal. Shrivardhan, Dist. Raigad. Maharashtra Diveagar - 402404 Maharashtra
Prices starting from INR 1648 Total Rooms: 15 | {Images not verified; for representative purpose only} |
/diveagar-hotel-15224 • Browse DetailsPrathmesh Holiday Homes
 | Prathmesh Holiday Homes Next to Shivaji chawk, DipStambh Pakhadi, Talani road, At post DiveAgar, Tal Shrivardhan, Dist. Raigad, Maharashtra. Diveagar - 402404 Maharashtra
Prices starting from INR 1648 Total Rooms: 10 | {Images not verified; for representative purpose only} |
/diveagar-hotel-15220 • Browse DetailsMaitreya Beach Resort
 | Maitreya Beach Resort Suvarna Ganesh Pakhadi,Opp Dr.Wad Bungalow, Tal. Shriwardhan, Diveagar - 402404 Maharashtra
Prices starting from INR 1496 Total Rooms: 10 |
/diveagar-hotel-15222 • Browse Details
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